October 22, 2007

Photos - Updated

On the skyride

Getting ready for Lude.

Keppel Shipyard Family Day

Supper at Ah Mei Cheap and good!

Crazy people

My Desk.

Lunch at delifrance.

Singapore is so clean and green.

They are wasting resources.

Why is he so sian?


Paul jio us to Sentosa. His company Family day.

The sun was damn HOT!

So many crazy people there.. I wonder how they tahan the heat.

I was going to melt...

We tried the Luge and Skyride for $9 per ride.

It was so fun!

I haven been taking photos for so damn long..

Ever since my K750i camera spoil, I nv take any pictures.

Pictures was uploaded in Friendster, lazy to upload here.

I am lazy!

So sleepy.


October 20, 2007

My Saturday!

Went back to work OT this morning.

Dar ask me not to work yesterday and he will sent me to company this morning.

He went prawning while waiting for me. (so nice of him)

We went JP with ali and paul after work.

Eat, arcade, wa wa, home.

He went to his client's DND so i'm at home.

Just edited a friend english when my english sux. HAHA.

Please don't laugh at me. I am trying, trying very very hard to improve my english OK!

Ok, i am done. Good bye. Sayonara.


hmm.. photos..

I upload it in friendster.. lazy to upload here.


October 14, 2007


I woke up so early on sunday! Surprise~

I am not at home nor his home nor singapore.
I am at Kulai. Doing what? --------- Blogging!

Hmm, the girl who are suppose to entertain us is sleeping.

My plans for today,
Breakfast, walk walk, lunch, walk walk, pasa malam, dinner, singapore!
I want to buy my fav. crackers at Jusco. Buy my bra at her friend's shop.
Thats all.

I have no idea why i start blogging again after stopping for a year.

October 13, 2007

No pictures

I wonder how long i nv take pictures.
Wanted to upload new pics but can't find any!

Will take more pictures in the future.


Boring Saturday!

It's 5pm and tazzie is still sleeping.
No plans for tonite.

My life is so boring,
work, sleep, work, sleep.
No more dota, too many quitters!
No more audition.
No more mobtv.

I'm waiting for RO II.

Boring! Blogging on sat evening.

October 11, 2007


Why am i blogging at this point of time!?!



Took half day leave today, having stomach cramp.

Lucky there isn't much job to do so i can afford to take my half day.

Slept for the whole afternoon, so shiok!

Later going norman house to eat dinner, he says he will cook non spicy curry..

October 10, 2007

fatty fatty

I want to slim down.......!!


I am putting on more and more weight.

My tyre is getting bigger!

Feel like learning ballet, jazz and yoga..


October 08, 2007

Lastest updates

Maybe i should update myself abit here.

OH YEAH! i finally GRADUATED from SIM! HOORAY! -.-

Found myself a job in FMC Technologies, abit sickening.

I don't feel myself as part of the family.

I don't know why i am under AGENCY. so F**K!

I don't enjoy all the benefits.

Tot of changing job, but i can't go anywhere without experience. ZZZZZZZZ!

My D&D this year, i am not allow to invite anyone to go with me because i am under AGENCY!

They purposely highlight and BOLD IT. FEEL so PISSED.

Tot of not going to the D&D but... must give face. WHAT TO DO?


I swear, I swear & I swear, i will nv take up agency job again!

Anyone alive?

So busy, lazy, slpy everyday.

How to update my blog?

I don't even log in msn.

Both comps at my house were dead.

No money to buy new ones.

Using my brother laptop now, also sot sot.

Suddenly will auto type funny funny numbers by itself.