November 03, 2007

Emo girl

I am not happy with alot of things!

I am not happy with how my company treat agency staff.

We are humans too!

We work for the same company, doing the same amount of work.

Just because of my pathetic certificate i am being treated like that.

I seriously hate this feeling.

I am very emo. I hate to be treated unfair.

I hate this world. Everyone is judge by their certificate.

Some bitch who is farking lazy is getting more pay and recently promoted. WOW!

Why am i so vulgar. I dunno. No idea what word should i use on those people.

I seriously hate some races now!

I am never a racist before until i seen & met some things.

I really wonder why those people behaves this way. Not all but most of them. Of course there are good ones.

Those good ones are those people whom i met last time during my school times.

After stepping into this society, all my thoughts change.

Why so many people hate those "assholes"?

Those "assholes" themselves deserve to be hated by the society.

They create so much trouble, doing all those nonsense, inmature thinking, etc.

They only know how to eat, sleep, sex and to produce more "lil assholes" to decrease tax.

They are really "bai lei".

Disgrace to human beings. Their ancestors (dunno i spelled correctly) should be shame of themselves for creating so many "bai lei"

I seriously think that i will kena scold or slap by someone one day.

But i don't care. I can't keep anything to myself. I will get mad.

I need someone to scold, to vent anger & comfort me.

I really wish my life will be getting better in the future.

I will work hard to achieve everything.

I should find ways to kick those assholes out of the society.

I really love my darling. He is the best. He is so wonderful. He is so understanding. He is the best guy i've seen in my life. =D

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