November 20, 2006

Ktv @ CSC

Went to ktv with wenqin, fiona, norm and thet yesturday. From the pictures you can see that we are having alot of fun there. hehe. So cute right my darling!

This is the best Picture of the day!

I just realise, i am always updating things happen on the day before. I wanted to update yesturday night but there was some problems with the internet, keep getting disconnected.

The Business Finance lecturer is so "WANG BA DAN". She don't want to give us the exact answer for the past year papers. There will be alot of things to study for this semester. I haven been listening to the lecture for the past 1 1/2 months. DIE! Exam is on next wed, thurs and fri. There is no tips for this semester, so sad.
Tomorrow is norman's birthday, later we will be celebrating for him. Thet ordered a cake which cost $@.@. Cannot say... lol. We will be collecting the cake for her and meeting them at norm's house. Two weeks ago when thet's birthday, norm was not able to collect the cake too. He ask us to collect for him and meet at taz place. =.=! Both of them are trying to give each other the same susprise.

lol. Ok i don't know what am i talking. I don't think anyone will understand my language other den my darling. SO SAD again.

November 19, 2006

Unbelievable Singaporeans!

We went to expo foodfair yesturday with his parents after my class, it was so croweded.
See the queue for the milo booth! Some people just can't afford to buy a cup of milo i guess. They are queueing to get HALF a cup of free milo. wth.
There were a lot of yummy food, but the food there were not special. You can just buy them easily in anypart of singapore. One good thing is, you can get everything in just one place.
There were also other fairs at the other halls, bud they were so quiet. Look at my background, so empty.
Subaru selling wrx police car sia!
At night, we went to watch Casino Royale with ac, gareth, norm and thet, i think it a nice show. In the show James Bone drove the car that i like.. haha.. worth 700plusK O.O! In the end, the car was crashed, so wasted. Dar told me maybe they put kelisa engine in the car. LOL.

November 18, 2006

Gu Dong Che

Gu Dong Che
I wonder the owner of this car is a male or a female. Huiling says should be male owner, but it's PINK!
New design by Huiling. First time i'm putting on such a striking colour nail polish.

No title!

We went to Ikea to have our dinner with norm&thet yesturday and i saw this poster in IKEA toilet. I so agree to it!

Sorry for the second photo, my hand just can't stop shaking.
These branches look pathetic.

November 15, 2006

Our 35months Anniversary.. lol

1 more month to 3yr, time flies so fast.
No celebration, no suprise, no present, no nothing, as usual... lol.
I was wondering what are we gonna do on the 3rd yr annivery?
Too poor, can't go to restuarant to eat, everywhere also need to spend money!
I want to work!
Boring life.
I'm so hungry now, haven ate any dinner, last meal was eating vegetarian beehoon at jeffery's dad stall. It was nice, especially the "zai er". It is not as saltish as the one selling in SIM. They are located at habour front hawker centre. Too far away, if it near my place, i swear i will go and buy every week! lol.
boring post.

November 12, 2006

My 1st trip to Pulau Ubin in 19yrs!

Taz always wanted to go p.ubin to ride bicycle, finally his dream comes true. He told his parents that he wanted to go p.ubin 3wks ago. But we always stay up every late on saturday and could not wake up on sunday. Today he never sleep and ton till morning, that's why we manage to go.
It was so happening! The last time i ride a bicycle was in my primary school time. I was still young, my parents only allow me to ride around my house void deck. So pathetic!
I had not been cycling for so many years, almost forgot how to cycle. I cannot balance very well, especially when going up slope, you can see me like a snake.. keep going right left right left... lol.
This is the taxi there, so old... and i think the driver is about 70yrs old.
This place is like malaysia, the difference between this place and m'sia is that, their things is not cheap! I talking cock. The food there is quite nice too, again, the food is not cheap!!! We ordered egg tofu, crab, "dua tao", fish and fried hongkong mee which cost $80++.

See the current, so scary!
The baby crab look so cute, so hard to catch one...! I think he took 15mins to catch this baby crab.
Their bicycle rental is so cheap, $2 a day! Where can you find this in singapore? We reach Ubin around 10.30am, and we left around 4.++pm. Have been cycling for the whole day, my butt is so pain now!
On our way back, the cloud is getting thicker!
This is a very good experience, i have not been sweating ever since i quited bball in sec3! haha... Once i start sweating now, i will have rashes, so irritating...

November 11, 2006

Boring Warehouse Sale!

Saw this cute nissan march at suntec convention carpark, the whole car is decorate with hello kitty.

Went to the warehouse sale with taz and ying yesturday night, it was so boring. Supposingly, we, the two girls were the ones to go shopping, we ended accompany taz to do his shopping. He bought a renoma shoe at $59. The place was so small, there were more mens shoe den female=.=".

After that, we went to ECP hawker centre to had our supper, i ate chicken satay and chicken wings, ying order fried oyster to share with taz and taz order indian rojak.

November 10, 2006


Just saw this mail send my my ex-colleague, she noe i like shopping!! Hehe..

The Depression Test

DisorderYour Score
Major Depression:Very Slight
Dysthymia:Very Slight
Bipolar Disorder:Slight
Seasonal Affective Disorder:Slight
Postpartum Depression:N/A
Take the Depression Test

I only have slight depression.. haha..
REASON: Hard to remember & Forget things easily.
Once forget, consider empty!

My First Post!

So bored, dunno why i start blogging.
I am always influence by my bf, tazzieyeo.
i used to think that blogging is so boring, wasting time.. and now... hehe..

Just taken this test, saw it at yingying's blog.

*yingying, i think you are still alright, coz i am also as terrible as you.. haha...*

You are 57.14% jealous!For this test, the average jealousy percentage is 35.54%.579147 people have taken this test to date.
This percentage means that : •You exhibit many jealous traits.•You are prone to over-react.•Although your jealousy shouldn't prove to be a real problem, you should work on controlling it more.•Things aren't often as bad as you think.