November 19, 2006

Unbelievable Singaporeans!

We went to expo foodfair yesturday with his parents after my class, it was so croweded.
See the queue for the milo booth! Some people just can't afford to buy a cup of milo i guess. They are queueing to get HALF a cup of free milo. wth.
There were a lot of yummy food, but the food there were not special. You can just buy them easily in anypart of singapore. One good thing is, you can get everything in just one place.
There were also other fairs at the other halls, bud they were so quiet. Look at my background, so empty.
Subaru selling wrx police car sia!
At night, we went to watch Casino Royale with ac, gareth, norm and thet, i think it a nice show. In the show James Bone drove the car that i like.. haha.. worth 700plusK O.O! In the end, the car was crashed, so wasted. Dar told me maybe they put kelisa engine in the car. LOL.

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