November 20, 2006

Ktv @ CSC

Went to ktv with wenqin, fiona, norm and thet yesturday. From the pictures you can see that we are having alot of fun there. hehe. So cute right my darling!

This is the best Picture of the day!

I just realise, i am always updating things happen on the day before. I wanted to update yesturday night but there was some problems with the internet, keep getting disconnected.

The Business Finance lecturer is so "WANG BA DAN". She don't want to give us the exact answer for the past year papers. There will be alot of things to study for this semester. I haven been listening to the lecture for the past 1 1/2 months. DIE! Exam is on next wed, thurs and fri. There is no tips for this semester, so sad.
Tomorrow is norman's birthday, later we will be celebrating for him. Thet ordered a cake which cost $@.@. Cannot say... lol. We will be collecting the cake for her and meeting them at norm's house. Two weeks ago when thet's birthday, norm was not able to collect the cake too. He ask us to collect for him and meet at taz place. =.=! Both of them are trying to give each other the same susprise.

lol. Ok i don't know what am i talking. I don't think anyone will understand my language other den my darling. SO SAD again.

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