December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve 06

My first time celebrating christmas with friends, we went to marina south to eat steamboat @ Dragon Village. Wanted to eat zhenfa, bud they don't wanna give us two tables, 10 ppl sharing a steamboat is like so pathetic. The guy from zhenfa always say, "sry, today is sat, no choice, 4ppl also one table 10 ppl also 1 table." So we went dragon village. They gave us 2 table with 3 steamboat!
People who are there: ME of coz, taz, martin, paul, peter, wen, ac, wenqin, fiona & jennive.
no skill ppl always chao ta! so kiasu right, take so many crab.
We went cosy bay after eating, Had our gift exchange there.
How to play? Choose a number first, the first person can choose his/her present, the second person can choose a new present or to snatch the present from the first person. And the third person can also choose a new present or to snatch from 1 or 2. And so on.. haha.. so the first person can be the luckiest coz he/she can snatch or to keep his/her present after the last person choosen.

hehe, this is the present that i snatch from peter and he took my cotton bud. LOL

I forgot to take a group picture! T.T

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