December 30, 2006


haha, i pass my business finance! Taz FAIL his macro. LOL! Do i sound happy? d(O.O)b

And i am playing FFXI now, anyone wanna join me? hehe.

We went lanshop to play dota yesturday 6v6, so fun. First time playing 6v6!

I don't know what to post! HAHA.

Am i mad?






December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve 06

My first time celebrating christmas with friends, we went to marina south to eat steamboat @ Dragon Village. Wanted to eat zhenfa, bud they don't wanna give us two tables, 10 ppl sharing a steamboat is like so pathetic. The guy from zhenfa always say, "sry, today is sat, no choice, 4ppl also one table 10 ppl also 1 table." So we went dragon village. They gave us 2 table with 3 steamboat!
People who are there: ME of coz, taz, martin, paul, peter, wen, ac, wenqin, fiona & jennive.
no skill ppl always chao ta! so kiasu right, take so many crab.
We went cosy bay after eating, Had our gift exchange there.
How to play? Choose a number first, the first person can choose his/her present, the second person can choose a new present or to snatch the present from the first person. And the third person can also choose a new present or to snatch from 1 or 2. And so on.. haha.. so the first person can be the luckiest coz he/she can snatch or to keep his/her present after the last person choosen.

hehe, this is the present that i snatch from peter and he took my cotton bud. LOL

I forgot to take a group picture! T.T

23th December

We went to westcoast park with jess&herbf, her bf came all the way from jb to visit her. So good huh?

Wtf am i doing? haha

Our "yi su" photo. Can't remember wads yi su in english.

Guess where he found this?
In his house toilet bowl! =.="

Cool ya? R1 leh!

December 21, 2006


Just finish my sub paper, got a bad feeling. I think i make alot of small mistakes and will make me fail. SOB!

Wanted to organize a small christmas party @ tazzie's condo but the pits all taken. So decided to go marina south to eat steamboat again. BORING!

And now, i'm so bored. Anyone can intro me nice makan place? Waiting for 9pm for him to finish his rt, den going to eat dinner with paul&alicia. But i'm so full now, just ate a bowl of laksa.*yummy*

I going to play with my hamsters now. BYEBYE

December 15, 2006

3rd yr Anniversary

Hmm, went cine to watch Deja Vu. We bought the weekday combo @ $19 only. The combo include two tix, one large popcorn combo set and a jumbo hotdog. Cheap right? I had Udon and he had ramen for his lunch/dinner. lol. He chose raman because he say that naruto always like to eat ramen. =.= So full after eating the Udon and i can't finish my popcorn so i brought it home.

We also went to take a neoprint, its all in jap so we couldn' understand and anyhow click, end up there are some error. lol. I choose the 4 pictures that we design bud it came out the one that we never design. I ask the person she say i choose wan. =.= sian.
I realise i got alot of "blueblack" on my leg due to the ladder i lean on when painting my house. Not only these two, i have 3 more at the lower part of my leg.

Have you ever see a hamster which is so guai? He is my fav. hamster, coz he can lie in this posture for very long and not moving to let you sayang. haha.

Seesha on 9 dec

Wanted to go Mustafa last saturday, after fetching our erzhi, and dunno who talk about seesha and realise erzhi nv go seesha with us before. So there is a change of plan, we went to arab street to slack. The mash potato there is very nice. HIGHLY recommended. lol. I dunno wad erzhi ordered. Anyway, we were so bored, and starting to do some lame stuff as shown below. HAHA. I guess you can see how bored we were.

No time to upload this last wk coz i went back to my house after seesha. Had to go bro's pop on sunday. haha.

December 14, 2006


I think i become an owl already, i slp in the day and wake up in the night. hai. today its our 3 yr anniversary!


He is sleeping now and i just woke up at 4am.

Chatting with gilbert den talking abt ro, hand itchy again, went to d/l ancientRO(private server) which is he playing now. HaHa. I wonder will i go back and play iRO. Gilbert ask me alot of things regarding RO and i forgotten, and i realise i've played iRO for 1 1/2 yr only. from '04 Aug to '06 Feb.

Yesturday is result day, i manage to pass OTQM and BIS and i failed BF. I tot i will fail OTQM coz i study wrong things. LOL. So heng! Quite happy with my result althought its a D. HAHA. At least i manage to pass and not fail all again. Good luck to me in the sub paper.

Feel sad for Jess, she fail her BizLaw again. She only left one more chance. GOOD LUCK TO YOU. She seems to be quite confident after she took the paper, but she still fail.

Ok lets talk about tml celebration! No plans, dunno where will we be going. NO MONEY! haix! SIANZ!

December 10, 2006


so many ppl is better than him. He is a singer and not actor why acting also got award?

wtf is tcs doing, 10 best man also let him in? he can't even see any sai why he get. His singing also not good, acting also not good, see his face want to slap him! cb kia!

All blind man also can join tcs to get "TONG QIN" vote from aunty and get award. All handsome, good acting guys might as well quit. Act for wad, put so much hardwork end up let a blind man, acting sux, singing sux get! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So farking dulan. cb kia!


December 09, 2006

December 07, 2006


WOW! what happen?
This dumb guy went to cut off all his pretty hair coz he tot that he is not allow to go in camp with his long coloured hair. But after he went, he saw ppl with long and coloured hair! STUPID?
See wad my xiao bai doing? i sayang her till she slp on my hand. . haha! so cute right?

December 03, 2006

am i lucky??

You are The Wheel of Fortune

Good fortune and happiness but sometimes a species of
intoxication with success

The Wheel of Fortune is all about big things, luck, change, fortune. Almost always good fortune. You are lucky in all things that you do and happy with the things that come to you. Be careful that success does not go to your head however. Sometimes luck can change.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

What do you think?

December 01, 2006


Finally exam is over can enjoy for a wk and i need to study again.. sobbb.. i think i will fail two papers. haii! Me and darling have been studying at westcoast mac for the last few nights, and we sleep so lil. So tired now, but not sleeping! DOTA DOTA DOTA! haha. Tonight maybe going to watch saw3.
Finally manage to take my cute hamster close up pic, they are so loving. haha.
The white one is just abit bigger den a 50cent coin!

November 20, 2006

Ktv @ CSC

Went to ktv with wenqin, fiona, norm and thet yesturday. From the pictures you can see that we are having alot of fun there. hehe. So cute right my darling!

This is the best Picture of the day!

I just realise, i am always updating things happen on the day before. I wanted to update yesturday night but there was some problems with the internet, keep getting disconnected.

The Business Finance lecturer is so "WANG BA DAN". She don't want to give us the exact answer for the past year papers. There will be alot of things to study for this semester. I haven been listening to the lecture for the past 1 1/2 months. DIE! Exam is on next wed, thurs and fri. There is no tips for this semester, so sad.
Tomorrow is norman's birthday, later we will be celebrating for him. Thet ordered a cake which cost $@.@. Cannot say... lol. We will be collecting the cake for her and meeting them at norm's house. Two weeks ago when thet's birthday, norm was not able to collect the cake too. He ask us to collect for him and meet at taz place. =.=! Both of them are trying to give each other the same susprise.

lol. Ok i don't know what am i talking. I don't think anyone will understand my language other den my darling. SO SAD again.

November 19, 2006

Unbelievable Singaporeans!

We went to expo foodfair yesturday with his parents after my class, it was so croweded.
See the queue for the milo booth! Some people just can't afford to buy a cup of milo i guess. They are queueing to get HALF a cup of free milo. wth.
There were a lot of yummy food, but the food there were not special. You can just buy them easily in anypart of singapore. One good thing is, you can get everything in just one place.
There were also other fairs at the other halls, bud they were so quiet. Look at my background, so empty.
Subaru selling wrx police car sia!
At night, we went to watch Casino Royale with ac, gareth, norm and thet, i think it a nice show. In the show James Bone drove the car that i like.. haha.. worth 700plusK O.O! In the end, the car was crashed, so wasted. Dar told me maybe they put kelisa engine in the car. LOL.

November 18, 2006

Gu Dong Che

Gu Dong Che
I wonder the owner of this car is a male or a female. Huiling says should be male owner, but it's PINK!
New design by Huiling. First time i'm putting on such a striking colour nail polish.

No title!

We went to Ikea to have our dinner with norm&thet yesturday and i saw this poster in IKEA toilet. I so agree to it!

Sorry for the second photo, my hand just can't stop shaking.
These branches look pathetic.